If you’ve spotted rats around your home, it’s best to contact a fully licensed Jim’s Pest Control technician for expert rat control and removal services. Call 131 546 or request a free quote and we will be in touch with you shortly.
Jim’s targeted rat control and removal
Getting rid of rats requires a combination of patience and professional targeted treatment involving the following steps:
Our technician will conduct a survey of your site, and note down findings and report back to you with a proposed treatment plan.
Rat baits
Strategically positioned bait stations which contain a bait that is treated with rodenticide are used to attract and poison rats, while other animals are unaffected.
Rat traps
For severe outbreaks and situations where baits cannot be used, we’ll use traps to lure and immobilise rodents. These traps are specifically designed for rats being larger in size.
Tracking powders and tracking gel
In some outbreaks, we may need to apply powder or fluorescent gel to get an idea of rat movement patterns and help us to better position traps and baits.
Problems caused by rats
Not to be mistaken for mice, rats have been known to be equally troublesome around homes and businesses across Toowoomba. Their larger size, heavier weight and larger teeth makes them stronger and powerful so they are capable of causing more physical damage than mice.

Cost of treating a rat outbreak
We’re able to assist in rat pest control services in all different settings. Depending on the size of your home and the extent of your outbreak, prices can range between $130-$300.
Signs of a rat outbreak
There are several ways you can identify the presence of rats in your home or business:
How to prevent a rat outbreak
There are some simple ways to protect your home or business from a rat outbreak that save you from the expense of costly damage and repair bills:
For a fast and effective rat exterminator, choose Jim’s Pest Control
We understand that rats can be a big nuisance and certainly it doesn’t take many of them to leave a trail of damage and destruction in your home.
The good news is that our team of highly trained pest control technicians available to help you with rat elimination solutions that are reliable, safe and effective. We’re able to help with rat removal from homes and businesses of all sizes.
Being Australia’s most trusted rat eradication experts, we’re committed to providing you with high quality service that is always compliant with government safety standards and regulations.
With a 100% satisfaction guarantee available on all our services, don’t wait until a small rat problem becomes a major outbreak.
Call now and we’ll work with you to control your Rat Problem – Guaranteed!